“The Body Doesn’t Lie” / “Pain Is A Messenger”


This concept was a real game-changer for me.  Over the past 4 years I’ve been peeling away the layers of my own ignorance and mindlessness; learning to listen to my body’s pre-pain symptoms. I’ve learned a lot about pain in general and about my own specific pain issues. I heard these two statements, “the body doesn’t lie,” and “pain is a messenger,” many times, but didn’t pay much attention, I just focused on relieving my physical pain symptoms. These two statements were an invitation to look deeper into the causes of my pain. I wanted to know, on an emotional level, what was calling my attention?
It wasn’t until 9-10 months into my journey, when my physical symptoms were still plaguing me, that I began to give those two statements serious consideration. I realized that I was yearning for something more out of my life. I was ready to expand and grow in a new direction. I just had to figure out what that direction was and muster the courage to make the relevant choices that would give me the life I desired. I know for sure that quelling my physical symptoms with MELT, allowed me the physical energy and mental space to engage in self-reflecting on the emotional reasons for my pain. I would not have broken the chronic pain cycle, I endured for 18 years, without addressing both my physical and emotional body.
While you MELT use the time to reflect on what your body and spirit need most at this time in your life. Take a focused breathe into the body-part you are Melting and ask, “What do I need to learn?”  “What do I really, really, really want?” You might also make more time to get out and enjoy nature. Connecting to nature is my “Go-To Prescription” for what ails me.
What is the message your pain is trying to communicate? What choices do you need to make to align with your heart’s desire and your values? This time of year is great for getting in touch with new ideas and charting out an action plan so you can leap into action on January 1st.
I leave you with this delightful, short clip that turns the prescription drug commercials upside-down.
