Three Ways To Identify Dehydrated Connective Tissue


Connective tissue is found everywhere in the body. It surrounds our muscles, joints, nerves, tendons, bones, organs, and even our brain. Every cell in our body relies on this fluid-based system to function properly. The connective tissue fluid permits the transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and waste from cell to cell. This tissue is constantly morphing and adapting to your movements and positions to support your joints, bones, and organs.

The connective tissue system, not muscles and bones as many people think, provides the body its architectural stability to support your joints, bones, and organs. The connective tissue can only do its job when it has adequate amount of fluid. The repetition of daily living causes connective tissue to become dehydrated from excessive compression, pull, and friction. Dehydration makes connective tissue less supportive, responsive, and adaptable, which causes strain in muscles, compression in joints, and a disconnect in the communication required for any movement.

This is not just about drinking water, it’s about getting the fluid MOVING in the tissues/cells. When your cells are chronically dehydrated, drinking all the water in the world won’t get that fluid back into your tissues. Real trouble begins when dehydrated connective tissue in one area spreads to other areas, causing body-wide cellular dehydration. This is the environment in which infrequent aches or stiffness becomes chronic pain. Your body is better able to heal itself when the environment of the connective tissue is hydrated and in its optimal state.

Here are just a few ways to identify if you suffer from dehydrated connective tissue:

  • Do you feel stiff or achy when you get out of a chair?
  • Do you feel exhausted or have a mild headache in the afternoon?
  • Do you find yourself adjusting, stretching, cracking or rubbing your neck or low back to relieve tension?

Gliding and shearing techniques in MELT are specifically designed to get the connective tissue fluid moving again.  Shear the back of thighs, glide and shear the inner thighs and rinse, then put the hips on the roller and shear the SI joint, followed by the bent knee press and the hip to heel press.

This is meant as a reminder for all of us that hydration is NOT just about drinking water. And our wellness paradigm must include nurturing our connective tissue on a regular basis, 3 times a week minimum. EAT WELL, MOVE WELL, HYDRATE CONNECTIVE TISSUE!!!